New Scam Targets Concealed Carry Permit Owners

Publish Date: December 28, 2020
Written by: Joni Money
Categories: News

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office has been made aware of a new scam that is targeting those who possess a Concealed Carry Permit.  The scammers are currently utilizing text messages to implement their fraudulent activity.  Those who have received the text have been told that their permit needs to be renewed or changed, and offers a link to provide the permit holder’s information.  Permitium, the company that provides the software that allows on-line renewals has distributed an email that states: “The link is malicious and has NOT been generated by Permitium or your local agency Permit Director Software.  NO TEXT MESSAGES FROM PERMITIUM CONTAIN LINKS.”  Permitium requests that if you feel as though you have been targeted by these scammers, please report the activity to

As always, we would like to remind you that the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office will not contact you directly and ask for personal information or money.